a deep breath... allow your thinking to slow down,
Begin to breathe a little more slowly now...
Soften your gaze, while viewing the text in front of you
Become aware of your peripheral vision now
Notice how wide can you see
Listen for the sounds you hear,
the hum of the modem,
cars passing, a bird calling to its mate
What smells are in the room...
Notice any flavors still in your mouth,
feel your body in the chair,
Notice your jaw, your neck, your shoulders....
Are they relaxed...
Breathe more deeply...
feel your back, your belly, your pelvis, your legs
Sense your whole body
Softly let go a sound of ahhhhhhhhh
Breathe slowly and deeply once more...
Bring your full awareness back to this page.
How do you feel?
You have just begun to enter the
natural world of the Horse.